Privacy Policy and Cookies

ARE and are trading names of Arrow Risk Engine.

ARE is committed to protecting the privacy rights of all visitors to the website and keeping all personal information secure. This privacy policy applies to individuals, financial advisers and other users.

When you use our website, you agree to us collecting and using personal information and this privacy policy explains how we collect and use your personal information.

We will never release information about our customers or business partners to any other person or organisation unless we have your permission or are permitted or required by law to do so. The Data Protection Act 1998 sets out your rights as a consumer in respect of information held about you by businesses.

We have set out the conditions below for your information. By using the ARE website you consent to these terms. We reserve the right to amend our Privacy Policy at any time, without prior notice. Any modification will take effect immediately by the modified agreement being displayed. You agree to check this Privacy Policy regularly for modifications and additions. However, this shall not affect your rights in relation to your personal data, which we explain below.

Who will hold your information?

ARE will hold information. The organisation which holds the information is known as the Data Controller because it has control over and responsibility for your personal information.

What information will be held?

The information about you which we will hold may include personal details such as your name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address. We will not hold more information about you than we need to for purposes for which it is processed. The information we hold about you will not be kept for longer than is necessary for purpose or as required by regulation.

How do we get this information?

We receive information directly from you when you register voluntarily as a user. In order to help us keep your information up to date we may periodically ask you to provide details of any changes in your information.

What will you do with the information?

We may use your information for a number of purposes, as outlined below:

We may make your personal and financial information available:

Is the information you hold on me secure?

The security levels in place are appropriate to the nature of the data and the damage or detriment that might result from a breach of security. Please bear in mind that all publicly accessible websites are susceptible to malicious practices, and we do not accept liability if security is breached.

What are my rights?

You are entitled to:

Use of cookies

We use tools such as cookies which are small strings of text that a website can send to your browser. A cookie cannot retrieve any other data from your hard drive, pass on computer viruses, or capture your email address. ARE may use cookies only to store information for the purpose of identifying whether the user is registered on the Site and to shortcut the access to the Site. We may also place cookies and similar files on your hard drive for purposes such as security, to facilitate site navigation, to personalise your experience on our site and to help us understand which parts of our websites are the most popular, where our visitors are going, and how much time they spend there. These cookies do not identify you by name as an individual or by account number.

The cookies that we use have a set expiration date of 90 days. This means that every 90 days, users will be required to read and agree to our Terms and Conditions before using the site. Reminders of Risk warnings and information relating to our Privacy Policy will also run on a 90 day cycle.

To enable or disable cookies, follow the instructions provided by your browser (usually located within the "Help", "Tools" or "Edit" facility). Alternatively, an external resource is available at providing specific information about cookies and how to manage them to suit your preferences. However, please be aware that disabling cookies may mean that some of our online services will not work, including administration login queries. If you do not wish to use cookies, please do not use our website.

How do I contact the Data Controller at ARE?

You can email the Data Protection Officer at